Directions to 2479

The 2479 is a big locomotive; restoration is a big project.
You are welcome to come watch the restoration. You will be even more welcome if you come wearing steel-toed boots and work gloves (we will provide the hard-hat).
The restoration site is at the Santa Clara County fairgrounds:
344 Tully Road San Jose, CA 95111
Getting to the site is a bit tricky.
The site is near the north-west corner of the fiargrounds, near the intersection of Monterey Road and Old Tulley Road.
The entrance is not through the main gate to the fairgrounds.
First, be aware that there is "Tully Road" and there is also "Old Tully Road", they are not the same road.
Old Tully Road is a short road that runs between Monterey Road and Tully Road (the new one).
- Get onto Old Tully road from either Monterey Road or Tully Road
- Turn onto Healy Avenue (this is a very small road, quite near to Monterey Road.)
- Go Left through the gate in the fence surrounding the fairgrounds.
- You are there.